AME is very excited to now house the Computational and Theoretical Multiphysics Laboratory of Dr. Kourosh Shoele! Kourosh has been very busy lately, applying mathematical and computational tools to assist in the missions of the center. Dr. Shoele has recently been awarded grants from NSF (CAREER Award) as well as NASA--not to mention, his DARPA young faculty award! He's even collaborating with our Mechatronics researchers to assist in problems of biomechanics. With the recent renovation of AME's computational physics lab, Kourosh and his team will be collaborating even closer to other computational and mechanical engineering researchers. Kudos Kourosh!
Hot Topic: Multidisciplinary Investigations into Controlled Burns
AME is happy to announce that its multidisciplinary investigations will now extend into the forest! Dr. Neda Yaghoobian, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at FAMU-FSU College of Engineering will be teaming up with the Department of Scientific Computing at FSU, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the Tall Timbers Research Station & Land Conservatory to study smoke plumes from prescribed fire. This $2.2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense will help assist land managers in better understanding when and how to best use the technique.