Aero-Propulsion at AME
The discipline of aero-propulsion deals with transportation systems and other objects that move through air, influencing the design and fabrication of aircraft, spacecraft, automotive transport, and all manner of vehicles in motion. The relevant research areas cover fundamental science topics such as aerodynamics, fluid mechanics, acoustics, thermal physics, and turbulence as well as practical applications such as combustion improvement, active control of flow separation, supersonic jet noise suppression, lift/thrust enhancement and drag reduction, etc.
Understanding complex flow fields is of key interest for developing novel and efficient flow control methodologies applicable to aerospace, automotive, and marine applications. The research at the aero-propulsion wing of AME spans characterization and modeling of fundamental flow physics and utilization of such knowledge to engineer flow control actuators and feedback control designs for enhanced maneuverability, lower noise, and higher efficiency. In pursuit of such challenges, we utilize advanced experimental facilities and novel computational methodologies to explain fluid dynamic interactions over broad ranges of operating regimes.
The Florida Center for Advanced Aero-Propulsion (FCAAP) was formed to meet the needs of a rapidly evolving and highly competitive aerospace industry. FCAAP's objectives are to help train and sustain the much needed, highly skilled workforce; to design and develop new technologies and products required to help sustain the Aerospace industry; and to shift the technology to applications in a timely and efficient manner. FCAAP was launched with nearly $15 million in seed funding by the State of Florida. These funds are used to maximize the use of, and add to, our resources and will create a state and nationwide technology and resource team in the highly competitive and innovation-driven aerospace market. FCAAP leverages the seed funds and the extensive existing resources (nearly $70 million) of its partners both in terms of infrastructure and a team of highly experienced, internationally recognized scientists, researchers, and engineers. The interdisciplinary team covers a broad range of areas related to aeronautics, aerospace, propulsion and space sciences. FCAAP is a technical incubator and facilitates rapid transfer of knowledge and technologies to applications and products through partnerships with aerospace industry, government, and other stakeholders.
In 2011, FCAAP became an FAA Center of Excellence for Commercial Space Transportation Research. Congress authorized Air Transportation Centers of Excellence under the Federal Aviation Administration Research, Engineering and Development Authorization Act of 1990. This legislation enables the FAA to work with universities and their industry partners to conduct research in environment and aviation safety, and other activities to assure a safe and efficient air transportation system. Research will extend to cutting-edge technologies and infrastructure for private human spaceflight and orbital debris mitigation. To find out more visit:
Wind Tunnels
Jet Facilities
Sensor and Actuator Labs
Industrial and Airframe Noise
High Performance Computing
Faculty / Principal Investigators
Aero-Propulsion Projects
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13 results found
Active Flow/Noise Control
Flow Physics and Nonlinear Dynamics of Natural and Perturbed Turbulent Separation Bubbles (039346)
Task 325 - Optical Measurements of Rocket Nozzle Thrusts and Noise (037392)
Commercial Space Transport
FAA Center of Excellence for Commercial Space Transportation Research (036386)
Technical Oversight and Intregration (029487)
Fluid Dynamics
Flow Physics and Nonlinear Dynamics of Natural and Perturbed Turbulent Separation Bubbles (039346)
Gas Dynamics
Unsteady Aerodynamics of VSTOL Dual Impinging jets (040806)
Jet Noise
Task 325 - Optical Measurements of Rocket Nozzle Thrusts and Noise (037392)
Task 325 - Optical Measurements of Rocket Nozzle Thrusts and Noise (037392)
Resonant Flows
Unsteady Aerodynamics of VSTOL Dual Impinging jets (040806)
Separated Flows
Flow Physics and Nonlinear Dynamics of Natural and Perturbed Turbulent Separation Bubbles (039346)