Safety Leadership: Mark Hagen

Above: Mark Hagen receiving his Safety Leadership Award from the Dean of Engineering, Murray Gibson, Ph.D.

FCAAP's Mark Hagen was honored to become the inaugural Safety Leadership Award recipient by the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering's Dean's Office for his innovative approaches to lab safety during his nearly decade long work with Florida State University.

The Safety Leadership Award is a new accolade being presented in an effort to raise awareness of lab safety at FAMU-FSU's College of Engineering. It is slated to be awarded to one faculty, one staff, and one student each semester. Mark is the first student to accept this award.

Mark was acknowledged by the Dean for having contributed to many safety efforts while studying at FSU. As noted by the Dean's office, "Mark was the first Graduate Student to serve as an official Lab Safety Representative at the college. He has been a safety leader in his research group–skillfully serving as the main point of contact for lab safety for several years. He has researched safety requirements for new equipment, setup and maintained the lab coat safety program at both AME and the College for ECE’s labs, and worked to implement the buddy program in his lab. He has quickly and consistently responded to any safety concerns–usually providing solutions instead of just implementing someone else’s corrective action."