Transformational Technologies for High-Speed Aerospace Systems (T2HAS)
Director: Dr. Rajan Kumar
NSF REU Summer Program
APPLICATION (word format or PDF Format)
The REU site focuses on recruiting undergraduate engineering students for an educational and professional enhancement program that will involve them in advanced research and professional development activities coordinated by faculty members of the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering (CoE). The unified theme of aerospace systems and technologies fits well with our ongoing research programs in the Aero-propulsion, Mechatronics and Energy (AME) Center, under which faculty will provide the needed intellectual resources while being supported by technical and administrative infrastructure to carry out proposed objectives to integrate education and research.
The overarching goal of the project is to motivate more US students to pursue advanced engineering degrees or enter research-oriented careers. We will leverage on experiences learned from coordinating previous REU sites to further enhance our goals of providing enriched research experiences. We will recruit qualified US students, especially under-represented minorities, to participate in our renovated activities to prepare them for advanced degrees and/or professional careers in aerospace-related field.
Please see program flyer here.
Note: All new REU fellows will need to complete FSU's Research Compliance Training found at the following link
Important Dates
March 14
Application deadline. Applications must be postmarked by this date. Late application will be considered if there is space available.
March 28
Acceptance notifications sent
May 27 to August 1
REU Summer Research Program for 10 weeks.
July 31
REU Summer Research Program Presentations and Poster Session.