Chiang Shih
Title: Professor, Mechanical Engineering; AME Director
Email: shih@eng.famu.fsu.edu
Office Location: AME 104A
Office Phone: 645-0102
Website: https://ww2.eng.famu.fsu.edu/~shih/
Dr. Chiang Shih is a Professor and Chair of Mechanical Engineering Department, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Aerospace Engineering Department at University of Southern California in 1988. He joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering in August, 1988. Dr. Shih's research interests are in the areas of unsteady aerodynamics, separated flow control, aeroacoustics, and optical diagnostic techniques. In recent years, he has developed an interest in the application of MEMS (Micro Electo Mechanical Systems)-fabricated devices for flow control. For example, he has been working on the active flow control of supersonic impinging jets, which is critical in the development of the proposed Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) aircraft. He proposed the use of MEMS-based microjets to control the self-sustaining oscillations induced by the global instabilities of the impinging jets. Two US patents have been awarded due to his recent development of the microjet-based flow control research. He has also been involved in the development of the micro-PIV system to be used in micro-flow diagnostics. This technique is useful for the detailed characterization of the micro flow behaviors and this is important for the optimal design of these micro-devices.
Dr. Shih has taught both undergraduate and graduate courses in the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering since August 1988. He has been awarded the Golden Gear Awards twice by the ASME student chapter. He has also received a Teacher Incentive Award from Florida State University in 1994. Recently, he has been awarded the first ever Chair’s Award for Excellence in Teaching for his efforts in the Development of an Integrated Curriculum in Thermal and Fluid Sciences. He is also very active in developing innovative concepts for teaching enhancement. He was awarded two teaching grants from NSF for his efforts in the improvement of undergraduate education. He received the FSU Advising Award in 2003-04.