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    Aeropropulsion, Mechatronics, and Energy Center

    The Aero-Propulsion, Mechatronics and Energy (AME) Center at Florida State University focuses on the development of transformational research programs to foster cross-cutting technologies.

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    Polysonic Wind Tunnel

    The next-generation Polysonic Wind Tunnel at FSU is a blow-down wind tunnel and allows researchers to run tests between a Mach number of 0.2 to 5.0 including transonic speeds.

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    The Center for Intelligent Systems, Control, and Robotics (CISCOR) uses state-of-the-art technology to develop practical solutions to problems in systems, control and robotics for applications in industry and government.

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    Power Science Lab

    Focusing on solving tomorrow's energy storage problems today, including through investigation of advanced capacitor technology.

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    Subsonic Wind Tunnel

    FCAAP houses the Subsonic Wind Tunnel which allows for high-fidelity aerodynamic testing. The facility is a single-pass, Eiffel-styled wind tunnel which is driven by a 200 hp suck-down fan, which minimizes noise through the test section.

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    Anechoic Wind Tunnel

    The FSU Anechoic Wind Tunnel is an open-circuit subsonic facility. It is used for aerodynamic and aeroacoustic studies of various flow-induced noise phenomenon and boasts state-of-the-art experimental fluid dynamic and aeroacoustic measurement capabilities.

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    Anechoic Jet Facility

    Located in AME's Aeropropulsion Lab, this lab produces high-temperature, high-speed airflow that is essential to accurately simulate the exhaust from a jet engine

Technologies for the Next Generation

AME was formed to meet the needs of rapidly evolving and highly competitive fields. The Center aims to train and sustain a much-needed highly skilled workforce, to design and develop new technologies and products, and to shift technology to applications in a timely and efficient manner.

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